Goethe University Frankfurt

Germany Germany
Goethe University Frankfurt
Goethe University Frankfurt is one of the largest and most renowned universities in Germany, founded in 1914 and named after the German poet and universal scholar, Johann Wolfgang v. Goethe. GU is a comprehensive public research university that offers a huge variety of degree programs to its 44.000 students, and world-class research to address the most pressing questions of our time. Research is done in all 16 faculties and various research centers. Particularly high-performing research units are clustered within 6 Profile Areas. Goethe University has 5 campuses, in particular the beautiful central Campus Westend, and the modern science Campus Riedberg.

EHEF participation

Tokyo Kyoto

Languages spoken at EHEF booth

English French German Italian Spanish Japanese

Languages of instruction

English German

Types of programmes offered

Bachelors Masters PhD dual degree language training

Subjects offered

humanities-social sciences art_culture language_literature business-management MBA law education media-communication natural_science computer_science medicine

Tuition fees

None, only a social fee of 380 Euro per Semester

Scholarships offered

PhD grants and fellowships (competitive)



Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 1
60323 Frankfurt am Main
Dr. Johannes Mueller